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Version: v1.5

SLO Configuration


Koordinator uses a ConfigMap to manage the SLO configurations. The ConfigMap is used by the slo-controller, whose name and namespace can be specified via the startup arguments of the koord-manager (koordinator-system/slo-controller-config by default). It has the following keys respectively:

  • colocation-config: The configuration for colocation. For example, whether to enable the colocated batch resources or not, the colocated watermark.
  • resource-threshold-config: The configuration for threshold-based suppression or eviction. For example, the threshold for cpu suppression, the threshold for memory eviction.
  • resource-qos-config: The configuration for QoS-based features. For example, Group Identity for BE pods, Memory QoS for LS pods, Last-Level-Cache partitioning for BE pods.
  • cpu-burst-config: The configuration for the CPU Burst feature. For example, maximum burst ratio of the pod.
  • system-config: The configuration for system-level settings. For example, the global minimum memory free factor (min_free_kbytes).

Configuration Levels

Each config is defined in a pattern of both the cluster-level and the node-level.


type ColocationCfg struct {
ColocationStrategy `json:",inline"`
NodeConfigs []NodeColocationCfg `json:"nodeConfigs,omitempty"`

type ResourceQOSCfg struct {
ClusterStrategy *slov1alpha1.ResourceQOSStrategy `json:"clusterStrategy,omitempty"`
NodeStrategies []NodeResourceQOSStrategy `json:"nodeStrategies,omitempty"`

The cluster-level config is for setting the global configurations, while the node-level is for users to adjust the configurations of some nodes, especially for a gray-scale deployment.

Please note that most configured fields have default values inside the components (koordlet, koord-manager), so editing the changed parameters is usually enough.


The data in SLO config is parsed by the koord-manager. The koord-manager checks if the config data is legal, and then updates the parsed configs into NodeSLO objects for every node. If the parsing fails, the koord-manager records events to the ConfigMap object to warn the unmarshal errors. For the agent component koordlet, it watches the specifications in the NodeSLO and reconciles the node QoS features.

kind: NodeSLO
name: test-node
cpuBurstStrategy: {}
extensions: {}
resourceQOSStrategy: {}
systemStrategy: {}
# parsed from the `resource-threshold-config` data
cpuSuppressPolicy: cpuset
cpuSuppressThresholdPercent: 65
enable: true
memoryEvictThresholdPercent: 70


Referred version: Koordinator v1.2

The SLO Config template is as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: slo-controller-config
namespace: koordinator-system
# colocation-config is the configuration for colocation.
# Related features: Dynamic resource over-commitment, Load-aware scheduling, Load-aware descheduling.
# - enable: whether to enable the colocation. If false, the reclaimed resources of the node allocatable (e.g. ``) will be removed.
# - metricAggregateDurationSeconds: the aggregated duration of node metrics reporting.
# - metricReportIntervalSeconds: the reporting interval of the node metrics.
# - metricAggregatePolicy: policies of reporting node metrics in different durations.
# - cpuReclaimThresholdPercent: the reclaim threshold for calculating the reclaimed cpu resource. Basically, the reclaimed resource cannot reclaim the unused resources which are exceeding the threshold.
# - memoryReclaimThresholdPercent: the reclaim threshold for calculating the reclaimed memory resource. Basically, the reclaimed resource cannot reclaim the unused resources which are exceeding the threshold.
# - memoryCalculatePolicy: the policy for calculating the reclaimable memory resource. If set to `request`, only unallocated memory resource of high-priority pods are reclaimable, and no allocated memory can be reclaimed.
# - degradeTimeMinutes: the threshold duration to degrade the colocation for which the node metrics has not been updated.
# - updateTimeThresholdSeconds: the threshold duration to force updating the reclaimed resources with the latest calculated result.
# - resourceDiffThreshold: the threshold to update the reclaimed resources than which the calculated reclaimed resources is different from the current.
# - nodeConfigs: the node-level configurations which matches the nodes via the node selector and overrides the cluster configuration.
colocation-config: |
"enable": false,
"metricAggregateDurationSeconds": 300,
"metricReportIntervalSeconds": 60,
"metricAggregatePolicy": {
"durations": [
"cpuReclaimThresholdPercent": 60,
"memoryReclaimThresholdPercent": 65,
"memoryCalculatePolicy": "usage",
"degradeTimeMinutes": 15,
"updateTimeThresholdSeconds": 300,
"resourceDiffThreshold": 0.1,
"nodeConfigs": [
"name": "anolis",
"nodeSelector": {
"matchLabels": {
"": "anolis"
"updateTimeThresholdSeconds": 360,
"resourceDiffThreshold": 0.2
# The configuration for threshold-based strategies.
# Related features: BECPUSuppress, BEMemoryEvict, BECPUEvict.
# - clusterStrategy: the cluster-level configuration.
# - nodeStrategies: the node-level configurations which matches the nodes via the node selector and overrides the cluster configuration.
# - enable: whether to enable the threshold-based strategies or not. If false, all threshold-based strategies are disabled. If set to true, CPU Suppress and Memory Evict are enabled by default.
# - cpuSuppressThresholdPercent: the node cpu utilization threshold to suppress BE pods' usage.
# - cpuSuppressPolicy: the policy of cpu suppression. If set to `cpuset`, the BE pods' `cpuset.cpus` will be reconciled when suppression. If set to `cfsQuota`, the BE pods' `cpu.cfs_quota_us` will be reconciled.
# - memoryEvictThresholdPercent: the node memory utilization threshold to evict BE pods.
# - memoryEvictLowerPercent: the node memory utilization threshold to stop the memory eviction. By default, `lowerPercent = thresholdPercent - 2`.
# - cpuEvictBESatisfactionLowerPercent: the cpu satisfaction threshold to start the cpu eviction (also require to meet the BE util threshold).
# - cpuEvictBEUsageThresholdPercent: the BE utilization (BEUsage / BERealLimit) threshold to start the cpu eviction (also require to meet the cpu satisfaction threshold).
# - cpuEvictBESatisfactionUpperPercent: the cpu satisfaction threshold to stop the cpu eviction.
# - cpuEvictTimeWindowSeconds: the time window of the cpu metrics for the cpu eviction.
resource-threshold-config: |
"clusterStrategy": {
"enable": false,
"cpuSuppressThresholdPercent": 65,
"cpuSuppressPolicy": "cpuset",
"memoryEvictThresholdPercent": 70,
"memoryEvictLowerPercent": 65,
"cpuEvictBESatisfactionUpperPercent": 90,
"cpuEvictBESatisfactionLowerPercent": 60,
"cpuEvictBEUsageThresholdPercent": 90
"nodeStrategies": [
"name": "anolis",
"nodeSelector": {
"matchLabels": {
"": "anolis"
"cpuEvictBEUsageThresholdPercent": 80
# The configuration for QoS-based features.
# Related features: CPUQoS (GroupIdentity), MemoryQoS (CgroupReconcile), ResctrlQoS.
# - clusterStrategy: the cluster-level configuration.
# - nodeStrategies: the node-level configurations which matches the nodes via the node selector and overrides the cluster configuration.
# - lsrClass/lsClass/beClass: the configuration for pods of QoS LSR/LS/BE respectively.
# - cpuQOS: the configuration of CPU QoS.
# - enable: whether to enable CPU QoS. If set to `false`, the related cgroup configs will be reset to the system default.
# - groupIdentity: the priority level of the Group Identity ([-1, 2]). `2` means the highest priority, while `-1` means the lowest priority. Anolis OS required.
# - memoryQOS: the configuration of Memory QoS.
# - enable: whether to enable Memory QoS. If set to `false`, the related cgroup configs will be reset to the system default.
# - minLimitPercent: the scale percentage for setting the `memory.min` based on the container's request. It enables the memory protection from the Linux memory reclaim.
# - lowLimitPercent: the scale percentage for setting the `memory.low` based on the container's request. It enables the memory soft protection from the Linux memory reclaim.
# - throttlingPercent: the scale percentage for setting the `memory.high` based on the container's limit. It enables the memory throttling in cgroup level.
# - wmarkRatio: the ratio of container-level asynchronous memory reclaim based on the container's limit. Anolis OS required.
# - wmarkScalePermill: the per-mill of container memory to reclaim in once asynchronous memory reclaim. Anolis OS required.
# - wmarkMinAdj: the adjustment percentage of global memory min watermark. It affects the reclaim priority when the node memory free is quite a few. Anolis OS required.
# - resctrlQOS: the configuration of Resctrl (Intel RDT) QoS.
# - enable: whether to enable Resctrl QoS.
# - catRangeStartPercent: the starting percentage of the L3 Cache way partitioning. L3 CAT required.
# - catRangeEndPercent: the ending percentage of the L3 Cache way partitioning. L3 CAT required.
# - mbaPercent: the allocation percentage of the memory bandwidth. MBA required.
resource-qos-config: |
"clusterStrategy": {
"lsrClass": {
"cpuQOS": {
"enable": false,
"groupIdentity": 2
"memoryQOS": {
"enable": false,
"minLimitPercent": 0,
"lowLimitPercent": 0,
"throttlingPercent": 0,
"wmarkRatio": 95,
"wmarkScalePermill": 20,
"wmarkMinAdj": -25,
"priorityEnable": 0,
"priority": 0,
"oomKillGroup": 0
"resctrlQOS": {
"enable": false,
"catRangeStartPercent": 0,
"catRangeEndPercent": 100,
"mbaPercent": 100
"lsClass": {
"cpuQOS": {
"enable": false,
"groupIdentity": 2
"memoryQOS": {
"enable": false,
"minLimitPercent": 0,
"lowLimitPercent": 0,
"throttlingPercent": 0,
"wmarkRatio": 95,
"wmarkScalePermill": 20,
"wmarkMinAdj": -25,
"priorityEnable": 0,
"priority": 0,
"oomKillGroup": 0
"resctrlQOS": {
"enable": false,
"catRangeStartPercent": 0,
"catRangeEndPercent": 100,
"mbaPercent": 100
"beClass": {
"cpuQOS": {
"enable": false,
"groupIdentity": -1
"memoryQOS": {
"enable": false,
"minLimitPercent": 0,
"lowLimitPercent": 0,
"throttlingPercent": 0,
"wmarkRatio": 95,
"wmarkScalePermill": 20,
"wmarkMinAdj": 50,
"priorityEnable": 0,
"priority": 0,
"oomKillGroup": 0
"resctrlQOS": {
"enable": false,
"catRangeStartPercent": 0,
"catRangeEndPercent": 30,
"mbaPercent": 100
"nodeStrategies": [
"name": "anolis",
"nodeSelector": {
"matchLabels": {
"": "anolis"
"beClass": {
"memoryQOS": {
"wmarkRatio": 90
# The configuration for the CPU Burst.
# Related features: CPUBurst.
# - clusterStrategy: the cluster-level configuration.
# - nodeStrategies: the node-level configurations which matches the nodes via the node selector and overrides the cluster configuration.
# - policy: the policy of CPU Burst. If set to `none`, the CPU Burst is disabled. If set to `auto`, the CPU Burst is fully enabled. If set to `cpuBurstOnly`, only the Linux CFS Burst feature is enabled.
# - cpuBurstPercent: the percentage of Linux CFS Burst. It affects the value of `cpu.cfs_burst_us` of pod/container cgroups. It specifies the percentage to which the CPU limit can be increased by CPU Burst.
# - cfsQuotaBurstPercent: the percentage of cfs quota burst. It affects the scaled ratio of `cpu.cfs_quota_us` of pod/container cgroups. It specifies the maximum percentage to which the value of cfs_quota in the cgroup parameters can be increased.
# - cfsQuotaBurstPeriodSeconds: the maximum period of once cfs quota burst. It indicates that the time period in which the container can run with an increased CFS quota is unlimited.
# - sharePoolThresholdPercent: the threshold of share pool utilization. If the share pool utilization is too high, CPU Burst will be stopped and reset to avoid machine overload.
cpu-burst-config: |
"clusterStrategy": {
"policy": "none",
"cpuBurstPercent": 1000,
"cfsQuotaBurstPercent": 300,
"cfsQuotaBurstPeriodSeconds": -1,
"sharePoolThresholdPercent": 50
"nodeStrategies": [
"name": "anolis",
"nodeSelector": {
"matchLabels": {
"": "anolis"
"policy": "cfsQuotaBurstOnly",
"cfsQuotaBurstPercent": 400
# The configuration for system-level settings.
# Related features: SystemConfig.
# - clusterStrategy: the cluster-level configuration.
# - nodeStrategies: the node-level configurations which matches the nodes via the node selector and overrides the cluster configuration.
# - minFreeKbytesFactor: the factor for calculating the global minimum memory free watermark `/proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes`. `min_free_kbytes = minFreeKbytesFactor * nodeTotalMemory / 10000`.
# - watermarkScaleFactor: the reclaim factor `/proc/sys/vm/watermark_scale_factor` in once global memory reclaim.
# - memcgReapBackGround: whether to enable the reaper for orphan memory cgroups.
system-config: |-
"clusterStrategy": {
"minFreeKbytesFactor": 100,
"watermarkScaleFactor": 150,
"memcgReapBackGround": 0
"nodeStrategies": [
"name": "anolis",
"nodeSelector": {
"matchLabels": {
"": "anolis"
"minFreeKbytesFactor": 100,
"watermarkScaleFactor": 150
# The configuration for host application settings.
# - name: name of the host application.
# - qos: QoS class of the application.
# - cgroupPath: cgroup path of the application, the directory equals to `${base}/${parentDir}/${relativePath}`.
# - cgroupPath.base: cgroup base dir of the application, the format is various across cgroup drivers.
# - cgroupPath.parentDir: cgroup parent path under base dir. By default it is "host-latency-sensitive/" for LS and "host-latency-sensitive/" for BE.
# - cgroupPath.relativePath: cgroup relative path under parent dir.
host-application-config: |
"applications": [
"name": "nginx",
"qos": "LS",
"cgroupPath": {
"base": "CgroupRoot",
"parentDir": "host-latency-sensitive/",
"relativePath": "nginx/"

For more information, please check the user manuals and designs of the related features.

Quick Start

  1. Check the current SLO configurations via the ConfigMap koordinator-system/slo-controller-config.
$ kubectl get configmap -n koordinator-system slo-controller-config -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
annotations: koordinator default
labels: Helm
name: slo-controller-config
namespace: koordinator-system
colocation-config: |
"enable": false,
"metricAggregateDurationSeconds": 300,
"metricReportIntervalSeconds": 60,
"cpuReclaimThresholdPercent": 60,
"memoryReclaimThresholdPercent": 65,
"memoryCalculatePolicy": "usage",
"degradeTimeMinutes": 15,
"updateTimeThresholdSeconds": 300,
"resourceDiffThreshold": 0.1
resource-threshold-config: |
"clusterStrategy": {
"enable": false
  1. Edit the ConfigMap koordinator-system/slo-controller-config to change the SLO config.
$ kubectl edit configmap -n koordinator-system slo-controller-config

For example, the configmap is edited as follows:

# ...
resource-threshold-config: |
"clusterStrategy": {
"enable": true,
"cpuSuppressThresholdPercent": 60,
"cpuSuppressPolicy": "cpuset",
"memoryEvictThresholdPercent": 60
  1. Verify if the NodeSLO is successfully dispatched.

NOTE: The default values will be omitted in the NodeSLO.

$ kubectl get test-node -o yaml
kind: NodeSLO
name: test-node
# ...
extensions: {}
cpuSuppressPolicy: cpuset
cpuSuppressThresholdPercent: 60
enable: true
memoryEvictThresholdPercent: 60