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Version: v1.5

QoS Management for Out-of-Band Applications on Host


In a production environment, there could be more than just containerized applications managed by Kubernetes, but also out-of-band applications running on hosts. Koordinator has supported node resources reservation so that koord-scheduler can take them into account during allocation. However, these applications also have various QoS level during runtime such as LS or BE. So, as for the QoS management, koordlet should also support setting QoS parameters for these processes running on hosts. For example the out-of-band processes could be latency-sensitive types, and koordlet should set them as high-priority in case they got interference for BE pods.

Since most QoS strategies relies on cgroup mechanism, koordlet requires these applications must running under its own cgroup if they need the QoS management.


Here are the supported QoS levels and strategies for out-of-band applications.

  • LS (Latency Sensitive)
    • CPU QoS(Group Identity): applications must run with cpu cgroup subsystem, and koordlet will set cpu.bvt_warp_ns according to the resource-qos-config.
    • CPUSet Allocation: applications must run with cpuset cgroup subsystem, and koorldet will set all cpus in share-pools for them.
  • BE (Best-effort)
    • CPU QoS(Group Identity): applications must run with cpu cgroup subsystem, and koorldet will set cpu.bvt_warp_ns according to the resource-qos-config.


Please make sure Koordinator components are correctly installed in your cluster. If not, please refer to Installation.

Host applications should already run with cgroup, see the kernel manual for more details.

ComponentVersion Requirement

Use QoS management for out-of-band applications on host

  1. Run host application under cgroup host-latency-sensitive/nginx/ with cpu and cpuset subsystem. It should be noted that cpuset.cpus and cpuset.mems of each level must be initialized with manually, which could be equal to the cgroup root path.
# init cgroup dir on cgroup v1
$ mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/host-latency-sensitive/nginx/
$ mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/host-latency-sensitive/nginx/
$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/cpuset.cpus > /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/host-latency-sensitive/cpuset.cpus
$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/cpuset.cpus > /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/host-latency-sensitive/nginx/cpuset.cpus
$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/cpuset.mems > /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/host-latency-sensitive/cpuset.mems
$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/cpuset.mems > /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/host-latency-sensitive/nginx/cpuset.mems

# bind application to corresponding cgroups
$ echo ${your-application-pids} > /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/host-latency-sensitive/nginx/tasks
$ echo ${your-application-pids} > /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/host-latency-sensitive/nginx/tasks
  1. Create a configmap file base on the following ConfigMap content:
apiVersion: v1
host-application-config: |
"applications": [
"name": "nginx",
"qos": "LS",
"cgroupPath": {
"base": "CgroupRoot",
"parentDir": "host-latency-sensitive/",
"relativePath": "nginx/"
resource-qos-config: |
"clusterStrategy": {
"lsClass": {
"cpuQOS": {
"enable": true,
"groupIdentity": 2
"beClass": {
"cpuQOS": {
"enable": true,
"groupIdentity": -1
kind: ConfigMap
name: slo-controller-config
namespace: koordinator-system
Configuration itemParameterValid valuesDescription
applications[]HostApplicationSpecN/Aspec description of host applications.
nameStringN/Aname of the host application.
qosStringLS/BEQoS class of the application.
cgroupPathCgroupPathN/Acgroup path of the application, the directory equals to ${base}/${parentDir}/${relativePath}
cgroupPath.baseStringCgroupRoot/Kubepods/KubepodsBurstable/KubepodsBesteffortcgroup base dir of the application, the format is various across cgroup drivers.
cgroupPath.parentDirStringN/Acgroup parent path under base dir. By default it is "host-latency-sensitive/" for LS and "host-latency-sensitive/" for BE.
cgroupPath.relativePathStringN/Acgroup relative path under parent dir.
  1. Check whether a ConfigMap named slo-controller-config exists in the koordinator-system namespace.
  • If a ConfigMap named slo-controller-config exists, we commend that you run the kubectl patch command to update the ConfigMap. This avoids changing other settings in the ConfigMap.

    kubectl patch cm -n koordinator-system slo-controller-config --patch "$(cat configmap.yaml)"
  • If no ConfigMap named slo-controller-config exists, run the kubectl patch command to create a ConfigMap named ack-slo-config:

    kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml
  1. Check the cgroup value of host application, then you can find the content of cpu.bvt_warp_ns equals to the LS class, and the cpuset.cpus equals to the LS CPU share pool.
$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/host-latency-sensitive/nginx/cpu.bvt_warps_ns
$ 2

$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/host-latency-sensitive/nginx/cpuset.cpus
$ 1-5,8-23,32-47,50-51,53,56-71,80-103

$ kubectl get noderesourcetopology ${your-node-id} -o yaml | grep '[{"socket":0,"node":0,"cpuset":"1-5,8-23,53,56-71"},{"socket":1,"node":1,"cpuset":"32-47,50-51,80-103"}]'